If you search for Kenner catalogs, a series of ‘Toy Fair’ catalogs will come up. These vendor catalogs were produced by Kenner and sent out to toy fairs to show new and upcoming toy lines.
Blythe dolls were features in both the 1972 and 1973 Kenner Toy Fair/Vendor catalogs.
1972 Toy Fair Catalog
1973 Toy Fair Catalog
Spring 1973 Pre-Toy Fair Catalog
The Kenner Company and Toltoys also produced television commercials for Blythe in their respective countries.
USA Kenner Advert
Australian Toltoys Advert
Kenner Blythe dolls were sold and advertised for in a variety of stores. There are still some remnants of these old advertisements, from newspapers or holiday catalogs, selling these dolls for a few dollars. These fun finds are interesting because they can show the original MSRP for each doll, wardrobe case, wig set, and outfit.
Kenner advertisements can also be found in some 1972 Gold Key comics. Some contain a 16 page Kenner Fun Catalog. This catalog was also available in newspapers as a free newspaper insert. Other comics feature a single page advertisement on the back cover.

Toltoys in Australia also advertised the Blythe dolls they were selling.
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